• Pīkari Mai

  • Pīkari Mai

  • Pīkari Mai

Creative Direction, Design Direction, UI Design




Kōpū o Te Rangi

For Tāngata Whenua here in Aotearoa, New Zealand – painful reminders of colonisation are everywhere. With the media frenzy around the coronation of King Charles, that reminder was set to be louder than ever before. That's why Indigenous artist collective Kōpū o Te Rangi  found a way to turn the Crown's PR machine against itself.

Introducing Pīkari Mai, the plug-in that unplugs the royals.

Pīkari mai is a browser plug-in that automatically scans news web pages for images or key words about the royal family and replaces it with local and indigenous news. We tapped into a network of Māori media and used the plug-in to swap out every piece of royal news with articles from Indigenous journalists. The more royal gossip the media peddled, the more Māori voices were elevated.